October Paper

An Online Magazine & Thoughts on a Good Way of Life. Fortnightly. Sci-Tech, Culture, Entertainment etc.

Where Lies Space – 2

                  Before rounding off this article, we might consider two other definitions.

Where the Atmosphere Ends

                   One is natural enough and seems to be the most satisfactory from the straightforward physical point of view.

                    It concerns where the Earth ends; and since the peripherals of the Earth, its outermost layer is formed by its gaseous part, therefore it is reasonable to assume that the Earth ends and Space begins where the atmosphere ends.

However, the thing is, the atmosphere has no sharp, prominent boundary. Its density decreases from the Sea Level upwards, and it gradually and smoothly merges with the vacuum of Space.

Nor is Outer Space completely empty. In the space amongst the planets and the Sun, there are – on an average –  10 million particles in every cubic metre. (This is a relatively small number.. the number of particles (in this case molecules) in the space just above the Earth’s opaque surface, is 10 trillion trillion (1025) for every cubic metre).

So the distance from the Earth at which the number of particles per unit volume of space decreases to a value equal to that, say, mid-way between the Sun and the Earth, or the Earth’s orbit and Mars’ – that is, in the general interplanetary space of the solar system – can be said to be the distance from the Earth at which Space begins.

                      Also, the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere is different from the system of particles that fills the solar system’s deep space. The former consists almost entirely of nitrogen and oxygen molecules, and the latter, of fast-moving protons, a few helium nuclei, electrons etc. 

                       It’s not the same kind of particles.

In the Deep Space of the solar system, almost all of the particles are in flux i.e. they are moving at high speeds (generally away from the Sun, unless things like the magnetic field of a planet swings it into another path. -Because they emanate from the Sun).

[ The reader may wonder whether in this inter-planetary space, there are any hydrogen or helium atoms that are the direct products – or leftovers – of the Big Bang itself. -Or dust-like, very minute particles that have been thrown out from stars in supernovae. This author does not have proper knowledge of this, but it can be guessed that atoms of hydrogen or helium which were always in the space of the Solar System and which originated directly from the Big Bang, must have been long back pulled in by the Sun, and incorporated in itself, even when it was a gas cloud and had not yet transformed into a star. Similar action must have been exerted by the gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn. Once it became a star, the radiation pressure of the sun, must have blown away any stray particles over the aeons.

Again, this is only a guess of this author ].


                   The atmosphere becomes rare above an altitude of about 17 kilometres, it steadily diminishes in quantity higher up from there.

                   98% of the mass of the atmosphere is present in the 30 kilometres from the ground.

                    And above five hundred to a thousand kilometres (depending upon the phase of the sunspot cycle that is ongoing)- on an average about 690 kilometres, it becomes extremely thin. Above the last level, the part of the atmosphere is called the ‘exosphere’.

This layer of the atmosphere is so tenuous that unlike in a typical sample of gas, the atoms in this region do not undergo collisions with one another. They are separated by much greater  distances, and an atom may travel for hundreds of kilometres before bouncing against another.

Though they still move under the effect of gravity, that is the charged particles of the solar wind or the energy imparted by the Sun’s radiation cannot yet drive them away from the ‘gravitational sphere’ of the Earth. They move in ‘ballistic trajectories’ i.e. parabolic paths towards the centre of the Earth.

                     The exosphere – though it contains atoms of gases – has no air as we know it. It is comprised of mostly hydrogen, some helium, and some atomic or molecular oxygen and carbon-di-oxide at its very base. It is still a part of the planet of course.

                    The American space agency NASA and most other experts it seems, consider the exosphere to extend up to a distance of 10,000 kilometres. This is where the atmosphere physically ends.

                    Therefore beyond this distance, is Space.

                    However, some atoms of gases do exist centred upon the Earth, even beyond this distance, -at higher densities than the average density of atoms in the nearby interplanetary space.

                    One sign of this is the geocorona.


                     Only at a distance of 1,80,000 kilometres and beyond, are gas atoms no longer bound to the Earth by gravity. (But this is not in the sense that the gravitational force between the Earth and the gas molecules here, is too weak in itself- because I guess normally these atoms still rotate along with the Earth – but because certain external forces are, at times, stronger). These gas atoms can be and are torn away and flung out by the radiation pressure of the Sun. Perhaps more during the periods when the Sun’s radiations increase in intensity, every 11 years or so. (These peaks are called ‘solar maxima’). And especially during periods of solar activity, for example high speed solar winds, solar flares etc.

So, the Earth in the normal course, keeps on losing some molecules of its outermost fringes of atmosphere. The European Space Agency said in 2016, that every day, around 90 tonnes of material escapes from our planet’s upper atmosphere and streams out into space.

The Earth’s gravitational attraction here is too weak to hold them together anymore. (However we may bring to mind that at much greater distances than this, it is still strong enough to make the Moon go around the Earth! One may think about the reason behind that. However, one may orbit the Earth under its gravitational influence and still be very much in ‘Space’). 

                     So, to sum up, everything considered, it should be fair to say that the Earth’s atmosphere ends, and therefore physically, the Earth ends at about 10,000 kilometres from its solid surface. And just outside of it, is space.


                      Conceptually, the environs beyond the 100 kilometres designated by NASA and the FAI do have some qualities which make it seem more like Earth than Deep Space. For example the drag experienced by satellites even at altitudes of thousands of kilometres.

Things like difficulty in breathing, the ‘sky’ being black, an extremely low atmospheric pressure, the absence of sound are all signs of a much reduced atmosphere.

[ There is no sound above a distance of 160 kilometres from the Earth’s surface, because even though there is an appreciable amount of atmospheric gases present here, the molecules are not close enough to one another, to be able to bump against one another along a certain direction, and thereby transmit sound ].


Aeronautics and Astronautics

                     There is another definition of Space based on another manifestation of the density of the atmosphere at a certain height above the Earth’s surface.

                     The minimum (vertical) distance from the surface of the Earth, at which an aeroplane cannot fly, is where Space begins.

This is according to the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), a private body headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland, which is the world governing body in air sports. It encourages and oversees aviation events. It also certifies and maintains records of various kinds.

Naturally, they would have an interest in the maximum height at which an aeroplane can be flown.


                    To remain above the ground despite the Earth-ward pull of gravity and also to move actively (i.e. by its own energy) in any direction, an aeroplane needs the presence of a sufficient amount of air beneath its body.    

It is a vehicle that depends on the medium (the surrounding gas) to float above the ground, and also to propel itself (by sucking in some of the medium at the front and thrusting it out at the back).

This is why an aeroplane is also called an ‘air-breathing’ vehicle.

(Actually, to remain afloat, a plane must both have air beneath it and also be in a state of motion).

                    The less air there is beneath the body of an aeroplane, the faster it would need to fly in order to remain at the same level.

As we know, the density of the atmosphere is lesser at higher altitudes.

So a plane would need to fly faster at higher altitudes.

And eventually, there comes a certain altitude at which, in order to maintain its height, the plane would need to fly so fast that it would enter into orbit around the Earth.

[ That is, the minimum speed required to maintain level flight at this altitude is equal to the orbital speed for this altitude ].

To fly in a level plane at altitudes higher than this threshold, its speed would need to be greater than ‘the orbital speed for that altitude’, and the plane would simply fly off the Earth’s environs, its sphere of gravitational influence, and enter outer space (if its engines kept running all the while and there were an unlimited supply of fuel).

[ A helicopter on the other hand, only needs to have air beneath its rotors to float above the ground. One could say that the continuous motion in its case (which generates the lift), is that of a part of the vehicle around a closed path and not the entire vehicle moving in space ].

                   So a propeller-driven or jet engine plane is not able to fly at such heights. 

                    If it tried to, it would simply drop to a lower height, at which the air would be dense enough to support the weight of that particular plane flying at that particular speed.

(It has to be taken up there by another craft of course, because again, it would not be able to climb to such an altitude from a lower level, in the first place).

                     Only vehicles which travel by rocket propulsion, would be able to move at those distances from the Earth’s surface.

(Including rocket-planes which are shaped like and look like aeroplanes, but are propelled by rocket engines rather than jet engines. Examples are the Heinkel He 176, the Bell X-1, and the famous North American X-15). 

This kind of a means of propulsion does not depend upon the surrounding medium for staying above the ground against gravity or for moving in the desired direction.


                    This height from the ground is about a 100 kilometres.

(Actually, the height of the ground may vary from place to place, so in the definition- the figure is in relation to the Mean Sea Level).

                     It was first attempted to be calculated by Theodore von Karman, a mathematician, aeronautical engineer and physicist, who was born and studied in Hungary, but later settled in the United States.

He headed the aeronautical research laboratory at the California Institute of Technology and later, in 1944, helped found the Jet Propulsion Laboratory there.

                      In 1957, he tried to determine a theoretical limit of altitude for airplane flight.

                      In 1959, Andrew G. Haley, an American lawyer who devoted much of his legal career to communications law, and is said to have been the world’s first practitioner of ‘space law’, coined the term ‘Karman Line’ for the above limit.

                      What does the reader think? Is the Karman Line a single, constant value or can it change due to some reasons?

                      For example, can the location of the Karman Line be raised higher by humans?

                       Where the Karman Line lies, depends upon the density of the atmosphere at different heights above the ground, but it also depends upon the aircraft itself.

Can any design or engineering improvements in the aeroplane help it to fly at a higher maximum altitude?

It seems that increasing the horizontal area of its surface, reducing its total weight, and making its engine more powerful- that is it would produce more thrust, would all help in increasing its maximum altitude of flight. (Also called the plane’s Absolute Ceiling).

Of course, different kinds of airplanes may have different Absolute Ceilings.

                     So, von Karman calculated the Karman Line based on the most advanced aircraft in this context, of his time – the Bell-X2.  And he arrived at a value of 83.82 km. But at present, due to advancements in airplane technology, the Karman Line is taken to be about 100 km.

                      It must be stated that the figure of 100 kilometres is not a definite boundary; it is rather a working definition which distinguishes between aeronautics and astronautics.

                       The FAI – mentioned above – has set this figure; and it is also subscribed to by the United Nations. It helps in the making of international laws and treaties, in the demarcation of the airspace of a country (below the Line, are national airspaces, and above it is Space, which belongs to no country).

                  -Although no International Law or Treaty yet has specified the boundary of Space, by a number.

                  It is conceivable that the Karman Line can be extended further in the future.

                   Although it is a very interesting question, whether there is an absolute limit to the Karman Line for a given planet. -A limit based on the laws of nature. No matter how far aeronautics (further streamlining the body thereby reducing drag), materials science (making the body of the aircraft lighter while also making it less subject to heating up and more heat-resistant) etc. progressed, a height above which an air-breathing aircraft cannot be able to fly.

                   By the way, how high approximately do you think the Karman Line over Mars or Venus is located?

(The reader may look in the ‘Notes’ page for this article, for a (truly) brief discussion on this).

Theodore von Karman


                  The United States military is said to have adopted a definition of Space that is a little different.

                   It is based on the lowest perigee attainable by an orbiting space vehicle (including a satellite). -This is for a body orbiting naturally, i.e. without a periodic boost by a thruster/small rocket to hold up the object against the effect of atmospheric drag, which acts to gradually lower and ground a satellite.

                   For a circular orbit, this is 150 kilometres from the surface of the Earth.

The closest approach is much greater for a satellite orbiting in an elliptical orbit; in which case, the perigee would be about 90 kilometres.

                   However, this author did not look for an authoritative source or verification on this. It seems to be an ‘on paper’ calculation.

                   In reality, the lowest altitude at which a satellite has orbited the Earth – but with propulsion to maintain its height – is 167.4 kilometres, achieved by the Tsubame (also called Super Low Altitude Test Satellite (SLATS)), launched by the Japanese space agency JAXA. It operated from 2017 to 2019, but held this lowest orbit only for 7 days.  

[ Satellites flying very close to its parent body will not only soon be grounded due to the substantial drag of the atmosphere (larger planets or moons generally collect more gases around themselves), but also may suffer perturbations in their orbits due to ‘gravitational anomalies’ i.e. a non-uniform gravitational field over the body’s surface ].

Had there been no resistance due to the atmosphere of the heavenly body and a perfectly uniform gravitational field over its surface, then theoretically, I guess a satellite could orbit indefinitely even at a height of a few metres from the ground.


                 The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), it seems, does not expressly define the boundary of space. But it can be said to consider the boundary at 80 kilometres from the Earth’s surface. -Not that it appears to carry much practical significance for this organization, which is engaged basically in Engineering.

                   Till 2021, the United States, in the form of the Federal Aviation Administration, recognized as an astronaut, any person who had travelled to an altitude of 80 kilometres. But since then, it has ceased this practice, reportedly because there had begun to be too large a number of such persons, due to commercial space voyages or ‘space tourism’.


                   Although the location of the boundary of Space, as deemed by NASA is the 80 km mark, NASA Mission Control (for space flight missions) considers space to begin from 120 km above the Earth. Because it is from this altitude that atmospheric drag upon spacecrafts during re-entry, becomes noticeable. This seems to be a functional definition, specific to spacefaring.   


The Limits of the Atmosphere

                   If the physical limit of the atmosphere is what we are interested in, then it may be mentioned that it now appears that the very outermost fringes of the Earth’s gaseous envelope extends up to 6,30,000 kilometres. This approaches double the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

                   In early 2019, a scientist of Russia’s Space Research Institute, Mr. Igor Baliukin along with some others who worked in the project, published a paper in a scientific journal, in which they presented an analysis of certain data received from the space probe SOHO.

The latter is a joint project of the European Space Agency and NASA, which collects its data while orbiting an empty point in space (the ‘Lagrange 1’ (L1) Point) about 1.5 million kilometres from the Earth, toward the Sun.

                   The space probe SOHO has a number of instruments, one of which is the SWAN. This detected ‘signatures’ of hydrogen atoms.. a faint geocorona, even at the above mentioned distance from the Earth i.e. 6,30,000 km.

                 [ There seems to be some difference in the meaning of the word ‘geocorona’ among different sources. Sometimes, it is used in the sense of the material of the hydrogen atoms itself, that surrounds the Earth at large distances from its surface, and at other times, it is meant to be the
ultraviolet glow (as detected by instruments) that is produced by this layer ].

                 Suffice to say, there is a fuzzy halo of blue glow that is seen to surround the Earth, from space. The blue glow around the Earth that is seen from space, in its lower parts (for example from the International Space Station), is produced by visible light.

                 The parts of the Earth’s atmosphere which lie at much greater distances from the Earth – say tens of thousands of kilometres, are too scanty; for that reason I guess, they do not emit any glow.. at least not any visible to the human eye (extremely sensitive and well-designed instruments might do better). 

                 The geocorona is caused by the absorption followed by the emission (by Scattering), of primarily a certain wavelength of far-ultraviolet light (the Lyman-alpha) coming from the sun, by the hydrogen atoms present in the very upper reaches of the atmosphere.

                 No halo of visible light is seen (by the eyes of astronauts or in photographs taken from the Moon) corresponding to the above distances from the Earth’s surface. But still it was observed with instruments that the extremely thin cloud of hydrogen atoms stretching from 500 to 98,000 or more kilometres from the Earth does emit light of ultraviolet wavelengths (which of course cannot be seen by human beings).

                 (It cannot be detected from the ground because most of the ultraviolet light is absorbed by the ozone layer lower down).

                  In an earlier section on this article, it was mentioned that electromagnetic radiations of shorter wavelengths are scattered more strongly, and this is why, there is a measurable scattering of the far ultraviolet light from the Sun, even where the atmosphere is so tenuous.

                   The following is an ‘ultraviolet picture’ captured by a special camera, taken from the Moon in 1972 by crew-members of the Apollo 16 –

(contd.) –

                 From their study, it could be estimated that the number of hydrogen atoms present in every cubic metre of space, at the distance 60,000 kilometres from the Earth’s surface, is about 70 million. At the distance of the Moon’s orbit i.e. on average 3,84,000 kilometres, this becomes one-fifth of a million. These hydrogen atoms should be and are considered a part of the Earth’s atmosphere, and not as belonging to the inter-planetary medium. By composition and by origin and physical continuity, they are of the Earth.

Though they are not of the homely and familiar Earth we know of.

                    Although by the definitions of Space applied by NASA and FAI, these parts of the Earth’s atmosphere, would lie well into Outer Space.

                   SWAN could detect a faint incoming light of this wavelength emitted from as far as 6,30,000 away from the Earth. (This in the technical language is called a ‘signature’ of the specific atom). This was unmistakably scattered radiation from the hydrogen atoms associated with or gravitationally bound to the Earth.. a part of the Earth’s atmosphere. They are just very far from the solid part of the planet and very tenuous.

                    And such signatures are eventually not found at all in regions of space beyond. And then one can finally say, that the atmosphere of the Earth has come to an end.

                    This is well beyond the distance of the moon.


                   It seems to this author that the extension of the Earth’s atmosphere to thousands of kilometres from the Earth and indeed up to twice the distance from the Earth to the Moon, is a thing of academic interest. Its practical implications are not apparent.

                   At a thousand kilometres from the Earth’s surface, the density of the atmosphere is of the order of 10-15 kg/m3. This would be considered a vacuum of better quality than almost any that have been achieved on Earth. At the aforementioned distance of 6,30,000 kilometres, it is what is called a ‘hard vacuum’.

                   It is more of a testimony to the abilities of optical observation developed by human beings. (Touchwood).


                   By the way, deep space – the regions of space far away from the Earth-and-Moon pair – is not completely empty.

Its density of particles in the Solar System, at the distance of the Earth’s orbit from the Sun is 3 to 10 million particles every cubic metre.

[ These particles are almost all of the Solar Wind – free protons, electrons, helium nuclei and trace amounts of heavier nuclei – and therefore moving at great speeds from the Sun to the outer regions of the Solar System, in all directions, continuously. The space of the solar system is bathed in this radiation.

The number of particles of interplanetary space that are not in flux (unlike the constituents of the solar wind), and simply suspended in the space of the solar system, is much smaller than those of the solar wind – less than one-tenth – at the distance of the Earth from the Sun. the latter are also different in kind .. they are Hydrogen atoms ].

                   A simple way of thinking about where the Earth’s atmosphere ends, would be to consider from what point from the Earth’s surface, the concentration of particles around the Earth becomes equal to the concentration of particles in the interplanetary space. 

                   However, to this, must be added one fact.

                   While determining what quantity of atmospheric material is present around the Earth at a given distance from it, one must not only count the number of particles per unit volume of space, but also consider their composition.

The solar wind, although it is present all around the Earth, is not part of the Earth’s atmosphere. The composition of the Earth’s atmosphere is almost completely nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the troposphere – the lowest layer – extending till 6 to 18 kilometres (depending upon the latitude over which the observation is made, and the season; it is much thinner over the poles, and thinner in winter over a given latitude) from the ground.

At levels above about 80-90 kilometres, free oxygen atoms (that is, atoms not paired-up into molecules as in the lower levels, and called ‘atomic oxygen’) appear and their proportion goes on increasing with the height. This is because of the more intense radiation of the sun causing the oxygen molecule to split up into its constituent atoms.

Above 690 kilometres- i.e. the average height where the exosphere, the uppermost layer of the atmosphere begins, only a small amount of atomic oxygen is found and they too stop completely shortly above the base of this layer. The exosphere is dominated by the lightest of gases, hydrogen and some helium.

(Hence although the atmosphere of the Earth exists at distances of 690 to 10,000 kilometres above its solid surface, this gaseous material is not the air that we know).

                   But the interplanetary medium, on the other hand, is composed mostly of charged particles like those of the solar wind, cosmic rays and ‘pick-up ions’ and some free hydrogen atoms from the interstellar space.

                   So it is not only by the number density of particles, but also by the kind or identity of the particles surrounding the Earth that we decide where the atmosphere ends.

                   Elements that are the most commonly found in the bulk of our atmosphere, are absent in inter-planetary space. On the other hand, the type of particles that are found most abundantly in the inter-planetary space – have been prevented by the Earth’s magnetic field from entering the bulk of our atmosphere- its lower reaches.

                   Importantly, the origin of the free hydrogen atoms in the upper reaches of the atmosphere and those in interplanetary space or Deep Space are different. One could say their background or past stories are different. The latter are simply remnants of the Big Bang, the event which created the Universe as we know it and all matter of it. Whereas the former have been a part of the gravitational well of the Earth pulled in shortly after its formation or perhaps generated by chemical processes on the Earth itself, from other, previously existing substances.


                  Ultimately, I guess the only meaningful concept of how far from here ‘space’ begins, is based on how far from the Earth we go and how different from Earth-like conditions it is.  

                   But if we remove the human perspective and also stop considering the technological significance of certain characteristics of the planet, -what matters to human beings, then there seems to be no clear-cut boundary for ‘space’.

                   It may mainly be a way of looking or ‘frame of thinking’, which varies according to the scientific phenomenon being studied or the practical requirement.

                   [Though if we go far enough, say midway between the Earth and the Moon, then of course we just know we are in Space.

Interestingly, even this distance has not been constant in natural history. The Moon was much nearer to Earth when both of them were just born, around 4.6 billion years ago. Even now, it is gradually but steadily moving away from the Earth ].

                   Perhaps the only ‘natural’ definition of the location of space is the line where the ‘substantial’ part of the atmosphere ends. Because the atmosphere is a part of the Earth and the outermost part.

                   If a line must be drawn, then it seems most experts recognize that the Earth’s atmosphere ‘ends at’ a distance of 10,000 kilometres from its surface.

This boundary, though of a definite meaning in physical science, has little significance in human affairs or perception.

It is just something to know.

                   I personally think that space – in some respects – starts at the 80 km or the 100 km mark, from the Earth’s surface. At other times, I do not feel like thinking about it too narrowly at all. I think of space as a subjective conception or mental picture, -as far away from Earth, where the Earth is small and surrounding oneself are stars, -typical black open expanses and a planet and a comet here and there. (Though of course, even the interplanetary space of the solar system is so vast that from most places, planets would seem like stars, and sightings of comets would be rare indeed!) 


                Is there a definition for the boundary of Space that essentially follows from some basic scientific principle? And because of which, ‘it could not be any other way’?


                Perhaps the best way of thinking about space, is the simple and subjective one. 

                The one nurtured by children or a person in his moments of reflection, gazing at the sky from his rooftop.


Footnotes :

1. – a town in the Andes mountains of Peru – :

This is La Rinconada, a mining settlement on the foothills of a snowy peak called Ananea Grande, in the San Antonio de Putina province, near Peru’s south-eastern border with Bolivia.

It is the highest permanent human settlement in the world. By 2009, the population of this town had increased to thirty thousand, from being a small gold prospector’s camp in 2000.

But life in this elevated city can be hard. Civic amenities and public sanitation are far from well-developed, and many inhabitants are affected by chronic hypoxia.

2. – from about 15.6 kilometres (~50,000 feet), the atmosphere is so thin that – :

The density (and therefore the pressure) of the Earth’s atmosphere is not the same at the same altitude above different latitudes. For the same altitude, the atmosphere is the densest over the equator, and the least dense over the Poles. This author has not tried to collect the data, but guesses this variation in density with latitude is most pronounced in the troposphere, and less – if at all present – in the higher strata.

So is the span (vertically) of the troposphere the same at all latitudes?

As may be guessed, it is not. The troposphere is the thickest over the equator (about 16 or 17 kilometres), and thinnest over the poles (about 7 kilometres).

Concomitantly, its extent is more in the summer than in the winter (so if there is summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern – as is the ‘norm’ – then does the troposphere become thicker over the Northern hemisphere and thinner over the Southern? At the same time?).  

So the above figure of 15.6 kilometres does not imply the same density of air over all places on the Earth’s surface.

3. -all of sunlight is made up of rays of light travelling parallel to one another –  :

Actually, they must be ever so slightly divergent, because of the spherical shape of the source, but the effect is extremely small and for all practical purposes that I know of, it is negligible.

4. – VIBGYOR –

Actually, there are more than just seven colours in sunlight.

There are many shades of each of the seven, and there are also hues which are intermediate between two adjacent main colours.

But the basic, broad colours are definitely the seven that we commonly hear of.

5. The International Space Station goes around the Earth at an altitude of about 419 kilometres.

Actually, due to air resistance, the ISS is continuously spiraling (at a very small rate) toward the Earth, i.e. losing altitude. Routinely, it is given a boost by some on-board thruster or engine of a visiting spacecraft, usually every 2 weeks or so. In the early stages of its life, it used to fly much lower .. around 360 kilometres. In the present times, its average height is what has been given above. The maximum altitude nowadays is about 422 kilometres, and the minimum, about 418.

During solar storms and maxima in the Solar Cycle, the atmosphere expands and its density in these upper altitudes increases; so the drag and therefore rate of orbital decay also increase.

6. NASA.. engaged basically in Engineering.

The NASA I believe also has had many research programs/missions to collect basic scientific information about conditions in Space and heavenly bodies. I do not know if funds sanction and selection of projects here too, are basically determined by practical benefits – even if indirectly – at some point in the future. Though that too would be quite understandable. It is a publicly funded organization.

A finer matter is how ‘practical benefit’ is defined, and which ones are accorded priority over others 😊.

7. Mr. Igor Baliukin.. published a paper in a scientific journal –

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.

Also involved, were Jean-Loup Bertaux, former principal investigator of SWAN and co-author of the paper and Bernhard Fleck, SOHO project scientist (ESA).


Solar activity… by more than three times — ESA.


The atmospheric pressure at 100 km? 0.0008 mmHg

8. – the colour of the sky –

Or perhaps the nuclei are not displaced by the external electromagnetic field at all, because – if I have understood correctly – those electrons and nuclei which are part of an atom – cannot be present anywhere within the atom or have any value of energy; at least the bound electrons, can occupy only certain fixed energy levels, and can be present only in certain delimited regions of space (- called ‘orbitals‘, which are of fixed respective shapes) about the nucleus (though about 5% of the times, they may be observed outside of this region).

So a push from an external electric field may cause it to move in a fixed pattern; but if not, it will not move or gain energy at all. -Perhaps it is the same for atomic nuclei.


References :

All the sources – which are highly appreciated – will be mentioned in future edits.

Due to constraints of time, a complete acknowledgement at this time of the first uploading, could not be done. 

We sincerely thank all the authors/content-creators/owners.

1. https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/25509/how-far-into-space-does-one-have-to-travel-to-see-the-entire-sphere-of-earth


Contributors including Mr. Emilio Pisanty.

2. In 1972, from a distance of about 45,000 km (28,000 mi), the crew of Apollo 17 took one of the most famous photographs ever made of the Earth.


3. Illustration – Curvature of the horizon, seen from an airliner.

Source : Henk Schuring on Quora (https://www.quora.com/At-what-altitude-does-the-curvature-of-Earth-become-visible-to-the-naked-eye-without-requiring-a-60-degree-FOV).