October Paper

An Online Magazine & Thoughts on a Good Way of Life. Fortnightly. Sci-Tech, Culture, Entertainment etc.

Paper 1 : Overview

The following is a concept of how a good life and a good world should be.

A person should be good.      

(People should be good).  

– good-hearted.

– of moral mind; having purity, simplicity.

He or she should be possessing of good emotions. And empathetic.

–Desirous of helping others, a good listener and a compassionate human being.

He (henceforth often, only ‘he’ has been used, for convenience) should be aware of when another person might need help and how best to render it. He should actively think of and seek ways to help a deserving person in need. –This would be habitual to him.

(Of course, the practical ability to help and to understand when help is needed, comes with experience, continued effort and/or guidance).


Morality should be natural to him. -An ‘original’ quality of his own mind.

(- i.e. preferably not due to external influences).  (-And how beautiful it would be if it were inborn. –And ‘complete’, without exceptions).

He or she would have love.

-bonding, care for, attachment to family members.

(- And for other people who have some good qualities).

True relationships.

A happy life essentially includes a good family life.


Goodness would be his/her defining quality.

An ideal concept in this regard is: Being a good boy or a good girl.

(The meaning of Goodness includes what is called ‘character’; and ‘being true’. Again, this is not merely the absence of dishonesty or ‘not being immoral’. It’s something else, something positive. A purely good quality of the mind).

In him/her there would be a core of ‘softness’ /gentleness, sensitivity.

–An interest in other people who have the same qualities.

Commitment to the right causes and the right kind of people.

Acting for the right cause, would be natural to him.

This sometimes is called ‘moral courage’.


He would have learning and culture.

Innocence. A simple spirit.

(-though he may often engage in lofty/sophisticated thoughts and activities).

‘Courage’, boldness (-which one thinks are manifestations of moral awareness and moral will. –which is why they are written within apostrophes).

-In some cases they are the result of emotions.

Of course, superior most, is someone’s feelings for other people in one’s family or otherwise.

  -Also, mentalities like sense of justice. –coupled with a logical, judicious mind. A devotion to the idea of ‘how things ought to be’.


Practising excellence in one’s studies and profession.

One should get joy from studies. (i.e. -at least some portions of it).

Enjoyment in good pastimes or hobbies.

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The following is a description of the nature of an ideal habitat (that is, a town, city or village with its surrounding areas or ‘country’ :

A peaceful and quiet place.

As natural as practicable. With dense, natural greenery, large, sprawling trees, water bodies etc.

Clean and reasonably neat/orderly. Though mostly, the ‘natural’ state of ‘non-geometric’ or non-grid pattern townscape is more to be valued. It should not look or feel like a planned or ‘built-up area’.

Homely or gracefully curving roads, alleys rather than massive metalled streets. -Mostly.


With gentry folk, educated and cultured people as fellow-inhabitants.

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All aspects and spheres of an ideal life, are dealt with, in the other Papers, in greater detail.

These ‘Papers’ – describing the right Way of Life – are collectively called the October Paper. (The fortnightly e-magazine may also be called by the same name, but that is a secondary usage of the term).