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If you find some of the contents to be good or interesting, then it is suggested that you visit this website every two or three weeks, all your life. -Even if you find much of the contents uninteresting.
It is suggested that you spend at least 5 minutes with this website, every two weeks. Perhaps going through some of the short pieces, as light reading.
No matter how busy you happen to be.
New volumes of the magazine would appear every fortnight.
However, Cover Articles and larger articles shall appear monthly. -Due to the constraint of time.
Perhaps initially, you may not find your time well-rewarded, but do it still.
Perhaps like eating your greens in childhood or taking your quota of daily walk.
It would be very good if the visitor read at least some portions of the Papers i.e. the webpages on Way of Life. For example, the highlighted and bold parts. And the parts just below the ‘point numbers’ on a Paper.
At least begin reading the Papers. To read them completely would take a few hours at the most, which could be done over many months, if the reader so wishes.
Before beginning to read a given Paper (on way of life), the reader could first think by herself/himself for a while, what her/his own ideas on that particular matter is. What are his own thoughts.
-This is suggested.
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We would like to have made all the efforts to ensure the correctness of all the contents, but our time and other personal conditions do not permit that. The reader’s understanding is appreciated.